Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Kitchen: Furnished, Equipped
Meters: Water meters, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Stove, Fridge, Washing machine, Staircase, Fireplace, TV
Property amenities: Roof, Dressing, Intercom
Appliances: Hood
Windows: PVC
Thermal insulation: Outdoor
Furnished: Complete
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Washable paint
Heating system: Central heating
Basic utilities: Video surveillance
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Panel
Front door: PVC
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Safety and security: Alarm system
Welcome to Petru Rares Street at number 20, with access from Nicolae Titulescu Street, in an exclusive area, a quiet area of houses and close to all areas of interest in Civic Center, Brasov Center and Historical Center.
In this exceptional area you will discover a charming property, namely a house built on the basement and ground floor, with a built area of 194 sqm, located on a land with an area of 220 sqm, the total renovation of the house took place in 2010, turning it into a property with multiple destination, including hotel regime.
You will discover the usefulness of the property, thanks to the functional compartmentalization of the interiors, plus you will enjoy a lot of natural light that enters every area of this house.
How will you use this space? You must come and see and convince yourself!
In addition, the bridge of the house was arranged in a spacious room with bathroom.
Here you will find enough space waiting to customize it, so you need to see the property.
The Civic Center area is known to you and you know that you are in a quiet area, close to the shops, AFI Mall, schools, kindergartens and many others, the area that makes the perfect place for raising a family.
According to the energy performance certificate, the apartment presents the following performance indicators:
- energy class B,
- specific annual energy consumption 174.85 kwh/,
- equivalent emission index CO_2 = 34.72 kgCO2/mp.year,
- specific annual consumption of energy from renewable sources 0 kwh/
- energy note 92.92
I am Nicolae Blaj real estate consultant in the company RE/MAX Central, specialized in the department of houses and this property is ready for you.
Welcome to Petru Rares Street at number 20, with access from Nicolae Titulescu Street, in an exclusive area, a quiet area of houses and close to all areas of interest in Civic Center, Brasov Center and Historical Center.
In this exceptional area you will discover a charming property, namely a house built on the basement and ground floor, with a built area of 194 sqm, located on a land with an area of 220 sqm, the total renovation of the house took place in 2010, turning it into a property with multiple destination, including hotel regime.
You will discover the usefulness of the property, thanks to the functional compartmentalization of the interiors, plus you will enjoy a lot of natural light that enters every area of this house.
How will you use this space? You must come and see and convince yourself!
In addition, the bridge of the house was arranged in a spacious room with bathroom.
Here you will find enough space waiting to customize it, so you need to see the property.
The Civic Center area is known to you and you know that you are in a quiet area, close to the shops, AFI Mall, schools, kindergartens and many others, the area that makes the perfect place for raising a family.
According to the energy performance certificate, the apartment presents the following performance indicators:
- energy class B,
- specific annual energy consumption 174.85 kwh/,
- equivalent emission index CO_2 = 34.72 kgCO2/mp.year,
- specific annual consumption of energy from renewable sources 0 kwh/
- energy note 92.92
I am Nicolae Blaj real estate consultant in the company RE/MAX Central, specialized in the department of houses and this property is ready for you.
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