Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Features: Air conditioning, Stove, Fridge, Washing machine, TV
Windows: PVC
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
I offer for sale an apartment with 3 semi-detached rooms, located in Lizeanu area on Stefan cel Mare Road, on the 4th floor of a block built in 1964 that has since been consolidated according to the data on the website of the capital city hall.
The house has a total area of 62 sqm, of which the usable area is 59 sqm. The apartment has recently been renovated and is sold fully furnished and equipped. Electrical and plumbing installations have also been changed. We benefit from the view both towards the boulevard and towards the green area behind the block.
Being one of the most famous areas of the capital, we have access to multiple means of public transport: bus, subway, tram. And nearby there are many shops with different specifics, restaurants, banks, shopping and entertainment centers, markets, medical units.
In the immediate vicinity there are pharmaceutical, medical, commercial, educational, entertainment, banking, parks, markets, etc.
I offer for sale an apartment with 3 semi-detached rooms, located in Lizeanu area on Stefan cel Mare Road, on the 4th floor of a block built in 1964 that has since been consolidated according to the data on the website of the capital city hall.
The house has a total area of 62 sqm, of which the usable area is 59 sqm. The apartment has recently been renovated and is sold fully furnished and equipped. Electrical and plumbing installations have also been changed. We benefit from the view both towards the boulevard and towards the green area behind the block.
Being one of the most famous areas of the capital, we have access to multiple means of public transport: bus, subway, tram. And nearby there are many shops with different specifics, restaurants, banks, shopping and entertainment centers, markets, medical units.
In the immediate vicinity there are pharmaceutical, medical, commercial, educational, entertainment, banking, parks, markets, etc.
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