Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Features: Stove, Fridge, Washing machine
Property amenities: Intercom
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Do you want to live downtown? But a more withdrawn idea of everyday forfota?
I'm moving you to the new house in a new housing complex a 10-minute walk to Union Square.
Therefore, I propose for rent an apartment of 2 rooms compartmentalized as follows: open space living room with bacataria, bedroom, 2 very spacious dressing rooms and bathroom. It is at first rental, equipped and fully furnished with premium products, only good and ready to move.
Located only 10 minutes from Union Square, the SoHo Residential Project is the ideal union between
value, design and superior quality. List below some of the many advantages of living here.
- close to 3 metro stations (Youth Metro – 5 minutes, New Times Metro – 8 minutes, Union Square Metro – 10 minutes)
- you can relax in one of the nearby parks (Carol Park - 15 minutes, Youth Park -10 minutes)
- stay in the center and this gives you easy access to all areas of interest of the capital
- Quick access to education, having in the area numerous educational, primary and university institutions : Middle School 79, Ion Creangă High School, Bucharest University and Dimitrie Cantemir University are just a few of them.
Call me and I'll tell you more, eventually we'll run to a viewing!
Do you want to live downtown? But a more withdrawn idea of everyday forfota?
I'm moving you to the new house in a new housing complex a 10-minute walk to Union Square.
Therefore, I propose for rent an apartment of 2 rooms compartmentalized as follows: open space living room with bacataria, bedroom, 2 very spacious dressing rooms and bathroom. It is at first rental, equipped and fully furnished with premium products, only good and ready to move.
Located only 10 minutes from Union Square, the SoHo Residential Project is the ideal union between
value, design and superior quality. List below some of the many advantages of living here.
- close to 3 metro stations (Youth Metro – 5 minutes, New Times Metro – 8 minutes, Union Square Metro – 10 minutes)
- you can relax in one of the nearby parks (Carol Park - 15 minutes, Youth Park -10 minutes)
- stay in the center and this gives you easy access to all areas of interest of the capital
- Quick access to education, having in the area numerous educational, primary and university institutions : Middle School 79, Ion Creangă High School, Bucharest University and Dimitrie Cantemir University are just a few of them.
Call me and I'll tell you more, eventually we'll run to a viewing!
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