Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Kitchen: Furnished, Equipped
Meters: Water meters, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Stove, Fridge
Property amenities: Roof, Dressing, Intercom
Appliances: Hood
Windows: Wood, PVC
Thermal insulation: Outdoor, Indoor
Window blinds: Vertical
Furnished: Complete
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Washable paint
Rollers / Shutters: Wood
Heating system: Radiators, Central heating
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Wood, PVC
Front door: Metal
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Purchasing a property is an important event in our lives, whether to live or business!
Investing in a property requires an important financial and emotional contribution and for this reason we want to know that we made the best choice!
If you are at the beginning of the road and want to take the first step in purchasing your own home or you want to make an investment with good yield I suggest you see this apartment!
Positioned in an excellent area, close to Brasov Central Station, Civic Center and the new Afi Palace Mall, it gives you the comfort of having access to the most important points of interest in the city and everything you may need.
It has undecommissioned structure, duplex type with internal staircase and is arranged in the useful area of 52 sqm being compartmentalized as follows:
- at the entrance to the apartment we meet the living room from which access is made to the other rooms
- on the left side of the living room is the bathroom with natural ventilation
- on the right side of the living room we have the fully furnished kitchen
- from the living room is made access upstairs to the bedroom via the interior staircase
- Upstairs there is a hallway and a dressing room
- with access from the living room, there is also the closed balcony with windows and PVC door with double glazing
A great benefit that this property offers you is the financial economy for the payment of utilities due to energy efficiency; according to the "Energy Performance Certificate" we find the following indicators:
1. Energy Class - A
2. Specific annual energy consumption [KWh/m,year] - 114.15
3. CO2 equivalent emission index - [Kgco2/mp year] - 26.17
4. Specific annual consumption of renewable energy [KWh/m,year] - 0
Because it sells fully furnished and equipped you can move without making large investments, following in the future to customize it according to your own taste!
Due to the area in which the building is located you can benefit from the following:
- Recreational and sports park Tractor and playgrounds for children
- Kindergarten, school, high school and university nearby
- Belaqva spa and wellness hall, Sports Hall, Olympic Basin, Olympic Skating
- various shopping centers such as Mall Unirea, supermarket Profi and Lid'l, shops with various fields of activity
- Coresi business area and office area of Civic Center, especially for IT
- stations for public transport with various travel destinations
Being located on the upper floor, having the eastern position you can enjoy the tranquility, natural light of the Sun and a beautiful view to part of the mountains of Brasov!
Purchase by bank credit is also accepted!
COMISION 0% for the buyer!
If you've been attracted to this apartment and you feel it's right for you, I invite you to watch it!
Purchasing a property is an important event in our lives, whether to live or business!
Investing in a property requires an important financial and emotional contribution and for this reason we want to know that we made the best choice!
If you are at the beginning of the road and want to take the first step in purchasing your own home or you want to make an investment with good yield I suggest you see this apartment!
Positioned in an excellent area, close to Brasov Central Station, Civic Center and the new Afi Palace Mall, it gives you the comfort of having access to the most important points of interest in the city and everything you may need.
It has undecommissioned structure, duplex type with internal staircase and is arranged in the useful area of 52 sqm being compartmentalized as follows:
- at the entrance to the apartment we meet the living room from which access is made to the other rooms
- on the left side of the living room is the bathroom with natural ventilation
- on the right side of the living room we have the fully furnished kitchen
- from the living room is made access upstairs to the bedroom via the interior staircase
- Upstairs there is a hallway and a dressing room
- with access from the living room, there is also the closed balcony with windows and PVC door with double glazing
A great benefit that this property offers you is the financial economy for the payment of utilities due to energy efficiency; according to the "Energy Performance Certificate" we find the following indicators:
1. Energy Class - A
2. Specific annual energy consumption [KWh/m,year] - 114.15
3. CO2 equivalent emission index - [Kgco2/mp year] - 26.17
4. Specific annual consumption of renewable energy [KWh/m,year] - 0
Because it sells fully furnished and equipped you can move without making large investments, following in the future to customize it according to your own taste!
Due to the area in which the building is located you can benefit from the following:
- Recreational and sports park Tractor and playgrounds for children
- Kindergarten, school, high school and university nearby
- Belaqva spa and wellness hall, Sports Hall, Olympic Basin, Olympic Skating
- various shopping centers such as Mall Unirea, supermarket Profi and Lid'l, shops with various fields of activity
- Coresi business area and office area of Civic Center, especially for IT
- stations for public transport with various travel destinations
Being located on the upper floor, having the eastern position you can enjoy the tranquility, natural light of the Sun and a beautiful view to part of the mountains of Brasov!
Purchase by bank credit is also accepted!
COMISION 0% for the buyer!
If you've been attracted to this apartment and you feel it's right for you, I invite you to watch it!
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