Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Architecture: Hone
Kitchen: Partially furnished
Meters: Water meters, Heating meter, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Property amenities: Intercom
Windows: Aluminum, Wood
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Furnished: Partial
Heating system: Radiators, Stove/ Teracotta
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Wood
Front door: Metal
We present a 3-room apartment in Bragadiru, which requires total renovation, at a very affordable price, it can be customized to your liking.
The building is located on Ficusului Street, in the vicinity of the Bragadiru City Tax Service.
Key features:
Year of block manufacture: 1990
Usable area: 70.3sqm (you can see the usable areas for each room in the survey in the ad)
Furnishing and equipping: The building is currently furnished but needs renovation
Heating: The heating is done through the radiator, but there is also the terracotta stove that worked in the past
Arrangement to your liking: The apartment can be modeled to your liking following the renovation, being very spacious and well compartmentalized
Comfort: With 70sqm usable, but also being detached, it falls into the Comfort 1 class
Energy efficiency: Maintenance costs are reduced, they can be further reduced by installing a central heating system
Location: Located in an area with easy access to public transport, more precisely the bus stop (421 and 424).
Ideal for:
A family that wants to arrange a spacious and detached apartment to their liking.
IMPORTANT: The apartment has a problem with waterproofing, being leaks if it rains, in the kitchen.
We are at your disposal to put you in direct contact with one or more companies that can solve the problem with waterproofing.
The price of the property is calculated as follows:
As a rule, the average price for apartments in Bragadiru is 1300 E/sqm.
So I calculated 70 x 1300 = 91 000 Euros
From the 91 000 Euros we subtract about 10% for the positioning on the top floor of the building: 91 000 - 9100 = 81 900 Euros
Then, following the analysis made for the costs of renovation and repair of the waterproofing, we subtracted another 14,000 Euros.
So, the price of the property of 67,999 Euros is extremely affordable so that you can renovate and organize your property to your liking.
Buyer commission: 0%
If we have aroused your interest in this property, do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a viewing!
We present a 3-room apartment in Bragadiru, which requires total renovation, at a very affordable price, it can be customized to your liking.
The building is located on Ficusului Street, in the vicinity of the Bragadiru City Tax Service.
Key features:
Year of block manufacture: 1990
Usable area: 70.3sqm (you can see the usable areas for each room in the survey in the ad)
Furnishing and equipping: The building is currently furnished but needs renovation
Heating: The heating is done through the radiator, but there is also the terracotta stove that worked in the past
Arrangement to your liking: The apartment can be modeled to your liking following the renovation, being very spacious and well compartmentalized
Comfort: With 70sqm usable, but also being detached, it falls into the Comfort 1 class
Energy efficiency: Maintenance costs are reduced, they can be further reduced by installing a central heating system
Location: Located in an area with easy access to public transport, more precisely the bus stop (421 and 424).
Ideal for:
A family that wants to arrange a spacious and detached apartment to their liking.
IMPORTANT: The apartment has a problem with waterproofing, being leaks if it rains, in the kitchen.
We are at your disposal to put you in direct contact with one or more companies that can solve the problem with waterproofing.
The price of the property is calculated as follows:
As a rule, the average price for apartments in Bragadiru is 1300 E/sqm.
So I calculated 70 x 1300 = 91 000 Euros
From the 91 000 Euros we subtract about 10% for the positioning on the top floor of the building: 91 000 - 9100 = 81 900 Euros
Then, following the analysis made for the costs of renovation and repair of the waterproofing, we subtracted another 14,000 Euros.
So, the price of the property of 67,999 Euros is extremely affordable so that you can renovate and organize your property to your liking.
Buyer commission: 0%
If we have aroused your interest in this property, do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a viewing!
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