Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Kitchen: Partially furnished
Meters: Water meters, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Air conditioning
Property amenities: Intercom
Windows: PVC
Furnished: Unfurnished
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Whitewash
Floor: Linoleum
Heating system: Radiators, Central heating
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Wood
Front door: Wood
Architecture: Hone
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Located in close proximity to fast and efficient means of transportation, 41 tram station and Metro Lujerului being very close to the building. Away from traffic, noise and crowd building offers future owners access to a community. Right in front of the building you will find a playground for children and multiple other features will be a minute away.
The building is very well maintained and property administration is involved in its degradation prevention, rehabilitation works constantly starting as they become necessary.
The rehabilitation of the property is filed and during the period immediately following the real estate will be cleared, so that future owners will enjoy reduced costs for maintenance, a new façade and beautiful which will come bundled with more liquidity great property for eventual resale value and a better price.
The apartment is located on the 4th floor of the building giving you peace, less dust and a beautiful panorama. Building an advantageous offer plenty of light, the ability to redesign your property at will, without having to pay a great price at acquisition, all of these are characteristics which recommend it as a great property the current market opportunity.
I want to know and will offer more details about this Hello who seeks owners!
Located in close proximity to fast and efficient means of transportation, 41 tram station and Metro Lujerului being very close to the building. Away from traffic, noise and crowd building offers future owners access to a community. Right in front of the building you will find a playground for children and multiple other features will be a minute away.
The building is very well maintained and property administration is involved in its degradation prevention, rehabilitation works constantly starting as they become necessary.
The rehabilitation of the property is filed and during the period immediately following the real estate will be cleared, so that future owners will enjoy reduced costs for maintenance, a new façade and beautiful which will come bundled with more liquidity great property for eventual resale value and a better price.
The apartment is located on the 4th floor of the building giving you peace, less dust and a beautiful panorama. Building an advantageous offer plenty of light, the ability to redesign your property at will, without having to pay a great price at acquisition, all of these are characteristics which recommend it as a great property the current market opportunity.
I want to know and will offer more details about this Hello who seeks owners!
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