Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
Kitchen: Furnished, Equipped
Meters: Water meters, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Air conditioning, Stove, Fridge, Washing machine
Property amenities: Intercom
Appliances: Hood
Windows: PVC
Thermal insulation: Outdoor, Indoor
Furnished: Complete
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Washable paint
Heating system: Radiators, Central heating
General utilities: Water, Sewage, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Cell doors
Front door: Metal
I propose for rent a chic apartment located on Bdul. Pieptanari, a 4-minute walk from the Eroii Revolutiei metro station. It is practically the distance of a bus stop, and having the advantage that the station is right next to the block, when you don't want to walk to the subway, you have an alternative solution very handy.
The apartment is semi-detached, furnished with taste and attention and fully equipped and equipped.
The kitchen is arranged in a common space with a generous balcony, you can dine enjoying the beautiful view offered by the high floor-to-ceiling windows. It is a special, versatile area, during the summer you can practically open the kitchen to the outside through the wide windows. The balcony is large enough that you can even put a fur coat in it.
The apartment is rented together with the above-ground parking space in the property.
For additional details and scheduling, I am at your disposal.
Energy performance indicators: NOTE 100
Class A, Annual consumption 115.25, CO2 emissions: 26.44
I propose for rent a chic apartment located on Bdul. Pieptanari, a 4-minute walk from the Eroii Revolutiei metro station. It is practically the distance of a bus stop, and having the advantage that the station is right next to the block, when you don't want to walk to the subway, you have an alternative solution very handy.
The apartment is semi-detached, furnished with taste and attention and fully equipped and equipped.
The kitchen is arranged in a common space with a generous balcony, you can dine enjoying the beautiful view offered by the high floor-to-ceiling windows. It is a special, versatile area, during the summer you can practically open the kitchen to the outside through the wide windows. The balcony is large enough that you can even put a fur coat in it.
The apartment is rented together with the above-ground parking space in the property.
For additional details and scheduling, I am at your disposal.
Energy performance indicators: NOTE 100
Class A, Annual consumption 115.25, CO2 emissions: 26.44
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