Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
Kitchen: Furnished, Equipped
Meters: Water meters, Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Air conditioning, Stove, Fridge, Washing machine, TV
Property amenities: Intercom
Windows: PVC
Thermal insulation: Outdoor, Indoor
Window blinds: Vertical
Furnished: Complete
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Washable paint
Heating system: Radiators, Central heating
Basic utilities: Video surveillance
General utilities: Water, Sewage, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: MDF
Front door: Wood
Other spaces: Elevator
I propose for rent a modern and practical studio located on the 7th floor in a newly built complex in the immediate vicinity of Carol I Park. It is oriented to the south-east, with natural light in the first part of the day. The main attraction of the house is the panoramic view over the park.
Positioned between the Palace of the Parliament and Parul Carol satisfies both the needs of those who want to live close to a park for relaxation or sports, but also of those who want to live very close to the center, having quick and easy access to Unirii Square.
It is completely detached, furnished and equipped and has enough storage spaces even for two people.
The photos speak for themselves. For further details and setting up a showing, I am at your disposal.
Energy performance indicators: NOTE 100
Class A, Annual Consumption 124.3, CO2 emissions: 23.39
I propose for rent a modern and practical studio located on the 7th floor in a newly built complex in the immediate vicinity of Carol I Park. It is oriented to the south-east, with natural light in the first part of the day. The main attraction of the house is the panoramic view over the park.
Positioned between the Palace of the Parliament and Parul Carol satisfies both the needs of those who want to live close to a park for relaxation or sports, but also of those who want to live very close to the center, having quick and easy access to Unirii Square.
It is completely detached, furnished and equipped and has enough storage spaces even for two people.
The photos speak for themselves. For further details and setting up a showing, I am at your disposal.
Energy performance indicators: NOTE 100
Class A, Annual Consumption 124.3, CO2 emissions: 23.39
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