Street amenities: Street lighting, Public transport
Meters: Electricity meter
Windows: PVC
General utilities: Water, CATV, Electricity, Fosă septică
Interior doors: PVC
Front door: PVC
We offer for sale villa plus land of 2391 sqm in Gaesti - Dambovita area!
The location benefits from light throughout the day, attic, monitoring security system, tank, well, water. It can also be used for office space!
The villa was built in 2013, GF + 1 with concrete foundation, BCA masonry and covered with sheet metal!
If you want a location where you can have peace but at the same time have quick access to the city, this is the right choice!
The location is 80 km from Bucharest, 28 km from Targoviste and 50 km from Pitesti!
For more information and setting up a viewing do not hesitate to contact me!
We offer for sale villa plus land of 2391 sqm in Gaesti - Dambovita area!
The location benefits from light throughout the day, attic, monitoring security system, tank, well, water. It can also be used for office space!
The villa was built in 2013, GF + 1 with concrete foundation, BCA masonry and covered with sheet metal!
If you want a location where you can have peace but at the same time have quick access to the city, this is the right choice!
The location is 80 km from Bucharest, 28 km from Targoviste and 50 km from Pitesti!
For more information and setting up a viewing do not hesitate to contact me!
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