Parcul Tei; Universitatea de Constructii
1 balcony
Apartments building
Surface total:
77 sqm
Verbose floor:
1 / P+10E
Apartment type:
Interior condition:
Building floors:
Surface useable:
65.03 sqm
Construction type:
Stage of construction:
Building construction year:
Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
Meters: Water meters, Heating meter, Electricity meter
Features: Air conditioning, Stove, Fridge, Washing machine
Windows: PVC
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Thermal insulation: Outdoor
Walls: Ceramic Tiles, Washable paint
Heating system: Radiators, Heating
General utilities: Water, Sewage, CATV, Electricity, Gas
Interior doors: Cell doors
Front door: Wood
In a crowded city, living near a park, having educational units, commercial spaces and public transport in the immediate vicinity is a great advantage.
The apartment I present can be yours if you hurry to contact me for a viewing.
You can customize it by renovating it to your own taste, and the purchase price allows you the necessary investment.
The interior is semi-detached and you can study the sketch for details about the surfaces of the rooms. I can emphasize that the kitchen is spacious, you cut the balcony in an area of 12 sqm stretches over almost the entire surface of the façade facing the street.
For the purchase of this property no commission is charged from the buyer.
We are open to collaboration for sale with any real estate agent or agency and we reward the transaction of this property in collaboration.
In a crowded city, living near a park, having educational units, commercial spaces and public transport in the immediate vicinity is a great advantage.
The apartment I present can be yours if you hurry to contact me for a viewing.
You can customize it by renovating it to your own taste, and the purchase price allows you the necessary investment.
The interior is semi-detached and you can study the sketch for details about the surfaces of the rooms. I can emphasize that the kitchen is spacious, you cut the balcony in an area of 12 sqm stretches over almost the entire surface of the façade facing the street.
For the purchase of this property no commission is charged from the buyer.
We are open to collaboration for sale with any real estate agent or agency and we reward the transaction of this property in collaboration.
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