Other spaces: Underground storage, Yard, Garden, Basement, Service closet
Street amenities: Asphalt, Street lighting, Public transport
Architecture: Hone, Parquet
Meters: Electricity meter, Gas meter
Features: Stove, Fridge
Property amenities: Roof, Dressing
IT&C: Internet, Telephone
Thermal insulation: Outdoor
Furnished: Complete
Walls: Ceramic Tiles
Heating system: Central heating, Stove/ Teracotta
Interior condition: Storehouse
General utilities: Water, CATV, Electricity, Fosă septică, Gas
Interior doors: Wood
Front door: PVC
I present for sale a property consisting of a house with 4 rooms, built in 1970, fully renovated in 2017.
The property also offers annexes, garage, attic, cellar and free yard aprx 940 sqm.
The land consists of 2 lots, 308 sqm and 819 sqm respectively.
The height regime of the house is D + P, the usable area is 130 sqm and the built area is 163 sqm.
The construction was made of brick, the walls being 40 cm thick and the windows are made of PVC.
The utilities present are: Water, Gas, Electricity, Septic tank (sewage is in front of the gate).
The house is divided into 3 independent apartment with separate entrance.
The structure of the house is semi-detached, the rooms are spacious and bright and the rooms are arranged as follows:
Ground floor: kitchen, pantry, bathroom, bedroom, living room.
Semi-basement: corridor, cellar, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
Annex: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen and Attic.
Behind the house there is an orchard of fruit trees and the area is very quiet and neat.
Andrei Muresanu Street is part of the Baciu neighborhood, and is right at the entrance to Sacele.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us!
Listing price: 188,000 Euro - 1,446 Euro /sqm.
Buyer commission 0 %
I present for sale a property consisting of a house with 4 rooms, built in 1970, fully renovated in 2017.
The property also offers annexes, garage, attic, cellar and free yard aprx 940 sqm.
The land consists of 2 lots, 308 sqm and 819 sqm respectively.
The height regime of the house is D + P, the usable area is 130 sqm and the built area is 163 sqm.
The construction was made of brick, the walls being 40 cm thick and the windows are made of PVC.
The utilities present are: Water, Gas, Electricity, Septic tank (sewage is in front of the gate).
The house is divided into 3 independent apartment with separate entrance.
The structure of the house is semi-detached, the rooms are spacious and bright and the rooms are arranged as follows:
Ground floor: kitchen, pantry, bathroom, bedroom, living room.
Semi-basement: corridor, cellar, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
Annex: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen and Attic.
Behind the house there is an orchard of fruit trees and the area is very quiet and neat.
Andrei Muresanu Street is part of the Baciu neighborhood, and is right at the entrance to Sacele.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us!
Listing price: 188,000 Euro - 1,446 Euro /sqm.
Buyer commission 0 %
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